New Paper Sessions 2021
Leiden University will be hosting the third edition of the New Paper Sessions for economists on 18 June 2021 from 12:30-18:00. This initiative by the Royal Dutch Economic Association KVS aims to create a platform where economists in the Netherlands can obtain valuable feedback on their research.
This year there will be keynote lectures by Peter Koudijs and Sigrid Suetens.
The New Paper Sessions will take place on the campus of Leiden Univerisity in the city center of The Hague as well as in an online environment, using the software Zoom.
Peter Koudijs is Professor of Finance and History at Erasmus School of Economics. Before joining Erasmus University last year, he worked for almost ten years at Stanford University, first as an Assistant Professor and then as an Associate Professor in Finance. Peter will talk about historical insights into limited liability, which is also the theme of two major grants he recently received -- the NWO Vidi grant and an ERC Consolidator grant.
Sigrid Suetens is Professor of Economics at Tilburg University. She is a well-known expert in the areas of behavioral and experimental economics. In her most recent work, she studies people's attitudes towards immigrants and how these attitudes change in response to exposure to diversity. This is also the theme of her talk. She recently received an ERC Consoloditor grant for this line of research.
- Registration has started! Everybody attending the conference, including presenters, should register.
- The conference fee is due upon registration. Attendance is free for current members of the Royal Dutch Economic Association KVS and €66,50 for non-members. This includes a one year membership to the association. [ii]
[i] The registration form requires signing in to Google. If you do not have a Google account, please register by emailing your paper and personal details to
[ii] The non-member fee comes with a membership of the association. The KVS supports the economics’ community in the Netherlands and membership offers reduced access to all events organized by the association as well as three paper issues of its journal ESB. After the first year, you can cancel the membership at any time with a one months’ notice.
Scientific Committee
- Olaf van Vliet (Leiden University, chair)
- Robert Dur (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- Anna Salomons (Utrecht University)
Bas van der Klaauw (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Erwin Bulte (Wageningen University)
Paul Smeets (Maastricht University)
Pieter Gautier (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Sigrid Suetens (Tilburg University)
Sascha Füllbrunn (Radboud University)
Rob Alessie (University of Groningen)
Thomas Buser (Universiteit van Amsterdam)