
Coffee and registration

Welcome and opening

Keynote | The path to an impactful career

Speaker: Jan-Willem van Putten, Co-Founder and Fellowship Director at The School for Moral Ambition

Presentation | The biodiversity growth opportunity

Over 50% of global GDP depends on nature and its services, and biodiversity loss could potentially cost the economy $5 trillion. However, the transition to a nature-positive economy presents a multi-decade growth opportunity for investors in companies offering the most innovative solutions to protect and restore biodiversity.

Speaker: Anna Väänänen,  Head of Listed Impact Equity, AXA IM

Presentation | Soil to soul: Investing in regenerative farming

Discover how strategic investments and expert collaboration in regenerative farming can transform soil health, driving sustainable agriculture and a resilient future. 

Speaker: Richard Jacobs, Co-Head Private Markets, Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management

Panel discussion | The natural capital conundrum  

Investors increasingly want to engage with the world of biodiversity and natural capital, but it is a challenging area to navigate. Asset owners and investment managers discuss the highs and lows of investing to support nature. 

Anita de Horde, Co-founding Executive Director of Finance for Biodiversity Foundation
Jacqueline Duiker, Senior Manager, VBDO
More speakers TBC

Presentation | Investing in sustainable forestry: Universe and opportunities 

The presentation will focus on the sustainable forestry universe and why it is a compelling opportunity for investors who seek to align financial targets with environmental benefits.  

Speaker: Céline Claudon, Chief Commercial Officer, IWC (BNP Paribas Asset Management)


Presentation | The power of impact investing in emerging markets 

How private capital and public sector investments can advance sustainability and resilience in at-risk regions while delivering both positive social and environmental impact and risk-adjusted financial returns to investors. 

Speakers: Wim Vandenhoeck, Senior Portfolio Manager and Hamid Asseffar, Head of EMEA Sustainable & Impact Investing at Invesco. 

Presentation | Implementing impact investing  

How to get from impact themes and a theory of change to creating an investment portfolio.

Speakers: Reinout van Tuyll van Serooskerken, Investment Strategist  and Vicky van Heck, Impact Investing Advisor, Achmea Investment Management 

Panel: Building Bridges | Cross-border collaboration

This session will explore collaboration between GSG national partners across different countries, as they seek to build a robust global impact investing ecosystem. 

Laure Wessemius-Chibrac, Managing Director, Netherlands Advisory Board 
Steven Serneels, Chair, Impact Finance Belgium
Jana Bour, Head of Policy and EU Partnerships, Impact Europe
More speakers TBC 


Fireside | The impact of healthtech: AI's most human side

Sarah de Lagarde,  Global Head of Corporate Affairs, Janus Henderson Investors
Interviewed by Paula Garrido

Panel discussion | Leveraging impact for health innovation and equity  

Impact investors are changing the landscape when it comes to innovations in health, but there is still so much to be done to ensure the latest innovations in healthcare are more accessible to all. We look at how impact investors are allocating to healthcare, and some of the investee companies that are making a difference on the ground. 

Lorenzo Schinelli, Impact & ESG Analyst, AXA IM 
Piet Klop, Head of Responsible Investment, PGGM
Bert-Arjan Millenaar, Founder & CEO, NLC Health Ventures 
Erik Jan van Bergen, Managing director, asset management & treasury, VGZ

Presentation: TBC 

Good news panel  

This final panel focuses on some of the many positive impact investing stories out there, bringing together investees and investors to show real-world impact is possible. 

Closing and networking drinks 

Lead sponsor

