General Info

Dutch pension fund executives and institutional investors rely on Pensioen Pro’s daily newsletter and website as their go-to source for the latest industry news, interesting opinions and independent reporting.
  • Daily newsletter (week days)
  • Weekly ‘Best of the Week’ newsletter (every Thursday)
  • 12,000 newsletter subscribers
  • 25,800 unique users/month
  • 130,400 page views/month
  • 2 pages per session


Advertisements in our newsletters are sold per day based on availability.
Please note that dates on which adverts are to run can be changed free of charge via written confirmation up to 15 business days in advance of placement
Deadline for material for online advertisements is 3 business days prior to placement. Pensioen Pro cannot guarantee placement for material that is received less than 3 business days in advance. All material should be sent to: 
Analysis User Data:
Please find below user data for the 2 Pensioen Pro newsletters. More detailed data available upon request.
Total Open Rate
Daily Newsletter
Weekly 'Best of the Week'
Advertisement Options:
Horizontal format that either sits at the top or at the bottom of the newsletter.
per newsletter
€ 250
> 20 days, bulk discount on request*
on request
* Multiple days non-consecutive
Format that sits in the body of the newsletter. Two ad positions per newsletter are available. Client may deliver a ready-made advertisement for placement, or provide Pensioen Pro with text, image and title so we can do the layout for you.
per newsletter - 1st position
€ 750 

per newsletter - 2nd position

€ 650

> 20 days, bulk discount on request*
on request
* Multiple days non-consecutive


Advertisements on our website are sold based on cost per 1,000 impressions (cpm) depending on availability.
Please note that dates on which adverts are to run can be changed free of charge via written confirmation up to 15 business days in advance of placement
Deadline for material for online advertisements is 3 business days prior to placement. Pensioen Pro cannot guarantee placement for material that is received less than 3 business days in advance. All material should be sent to: 
Analysis User Data:
Please find below general statistics on our website. More in depth data pertaining to the traffic to our website or to specific ad positions is available upon request. 
Sessions per user
Users (avg month)
Pageviews (avg month)
Pages per Session
Advertisement Options:
Horizontal format that  sits in the top position of the page. 2 sizes available.
Dimensions (WxH in pixels)
1024 x 122
728 x 90
€ 100 cpm
Horizontal format that sits in the top position of the page, which is larger than the leaderboard. 2 sizes available.
Dimensions (WxH in pixels)
1024 x 250
970 x 250
€ 110 cpm
Home Page Advertorial 
Has the same format as the articles hosted on the home page. Includes title, image and text body. Sit in the body of the articles on the home page. 
Dimensions (WxH in pixels)
  • 600 x 600 for image
  • 60 words text
  • Title
€ 150 cpm
Half page unit format, filmstrip. Large vertical double medium rectangle format that sits in the first position in the right hand column.
Dimensions (WxH in pixels)
300 x 600
€ 120 cpm
Medium rectangle format that sits in the body of the articles as well as at the bottom of the right hand column.
Dimensions (WxH in pixels)
300 x 250
€ 80 cpm
In Article Video
Situated at the bottom of the article page.
Approx. 15 sec, max. 60 sec.
€ 120 cpm
A combination of Leaderboard or Billboard + Halfpage or Rectangle. 
Dimensions (WxH in pixels)
Leaderboard: 1024 x 122 or 728 x 90
Billboard: 1024 x 250 or 970 x 250
Rectangle: 300 x 250
Halfpage: 300 x 600
€ 170 cpm

Partner Page

Your own content page on the Pensioen Pro website. On this webpage, with the Pensioen Pro look & feel, you can upload unlimited content for a period of 12 months, including articles and videos. Please click here and here for examples.

We will run a marketing campaign to generate traffic to your partner page. This campaign consists of:

  • Partner webcast (video)
  • Leaderboard, 30,000 impressions
  • Home Page Advertorial website, 30,000 impressions
  • 4x Leaderboard in newsletter
  • 4x Advertorial in newsletter

Rate Partner Page (including marketing campaign):

Audience Extension Pensioen Pro
Pensioen Pro offers acces to a unique audience of institutional investors and other professionals in the pensions sector. We can now target this audience on other online platforms. This is known as 'Audience Extension'.

What does this mean for you as an advertiser?
Your ads are also hosted on other, relevant websites that are visited by our target audience. We create a 'brand safe' environment for you, which guarantees you're only targeting a Pensioen Pro professional on whitelisted, trustworthy websites​​​​​​, including a 'brand safety net' based on the chosen websites' content.

Our advertisers can now employ Audience Extension to supplement their existing Pensioen Pro online campaigns. The advantage of this is that you can increase your reach at a reduced CPM rate of 50% as compared to a campaign that only makes use of Pensioen Pro's inventory.