Investor Council 2023

Show your true Colors

Pension funds must become more transparent about their investments. After all, in the new system, discerning members want to know about their investments, their costs and their risks. Funds invest with an eye for people and the environment, but half-hearted sustainability claims are being penalised - a little green is no longer enough. Traditional portfolio ratios, active investing and broad diversification are under discussion. As are lucrative but opaque 'alternatives'. How do funds cope with these developments?
We'll discuss it all at the Investor Council.

10 October 2023
LantarenVenster, Otto Reuchlinweg 996, Rotterdam


10:45- 11:15 Registration

Rules of engagement

Exclusion of polluting companies, according to some investors, is just shifting the problem. Only with engagement can you bring about real change in the world. But how do you organise effective engagement? In this interactive workshop we will discuss how, as a pension fund, you set clear goals, measure tangible impact and set hard deadlines. And how to then link investment consequences to them.

Speaker: Karlijn van Lierop, Director Responsible Investment, Columbia Threadneedle Investments

Registration and lunch

André de Vos, Editor Print & Events Pensioen Pro

Keynote presentation
Can we innovate our way out of the climate crisis?
The road to zero greenhouse gas emissions is long. In the meantime, technological solutions are needed to reduce, capture and store existing emissions. Pension funds can also play a role in this.

Speaker: Heleen de Coninck, Professor of climate change and innovation at Eindhoven and Nijmegen and lead author of IPCC reports

The battle for sustainability: rules vs ambition

Pension funds work hard to comply with sustainability legislation, esg risk management cycles and regulator surveys. But each fund has its own sustainability ambitions and wishes. As a board member, how do you prevent your own policy from getting snowed under by rules and deadlines?

Speaker: Robin Schouten, Director Fiduciary Management at Van Lanschot Kempen

Transition outlook 
How to track the transition to a low-carbon economy: one of several mega forces sweeping markets? A framework to help assess the investment opportunities and risks it may bring. 

Speaker: Christopher Kaminker, Head of Sustainable Investment Research & Analytics, BlackRock Investment Institute


Keynote Presentation
ESG risks of pension funds
Pension funds are exposed to risks with unsustainable investments, both financial and non-financial. DNB conducted research on this this year and asked 40 funds about how they deal with ESG risks. In this session, a presentation of some of the first impressions and a Q&A on the importance of monitoring ESG risks.

Speaker: Michelle Ummels, ESG Risk Supervisor, DNB

Fewer holdings, more focus
Diversification is often the motto in investing. But over-diversification into different stocks is not necessarily better. With 50 rather than 3,000 companies in your portfolio, you 'really' know what you own. Focusing on quality means attractive returns, reduced risk and a more focused sustainability policy in the longer term.

Spreaker: Sander Zondag, CEO en CIO, OBAM Investment Management

Sustainable Investing: The Boundaries between Active and Passive
The debate on active and passive investing has been given new fuel by pension funds' desire to have their own sustainability policies. Many funds find that existing indexes do not suffice. So indexes are adjusted, tailored or, on the contrary, active mandates are reinstated. But doesn't that generate more costs and doesn't that put us back in the same discussion about the added value of active investment?

Panel discussion including Marcel Andringa (PME), Lukas Daalder (BlackRock), Sander Zondag (OBAM) and André Snellen (Bpf Detailhandel).
Moderators: André de Vos, editor-in-chief print and events and Tjibbe Hoekstra, reporter, Pensioen Pro

Final Act

By Hans van Meerten, Lawyer | Professor | European Pension and EU Law | GMW Lawyers

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