9:25 - 9:30
By André de Vos, Editor in Chief Print & Events, Pensioen Pro
9:30 - 10:00
Keynote presentation
Brave new pension administration.
Pensions schemes are set to become simpler and more individualistic in nature. Will we even still need large pension fund and benefit administration organisations at all?
Speaker: Annette Mosman, Chair of the Board, APG
10:05 - 10:25
Entering the new pensions system armed with a dynamic hedging strategy
Pension funds would rather not have to cut pensions during the transitional period, but must achieve yields to maintain future pension ambitions. This necessitates coordinating between the long-term and the moment of transition. A transition to a dynamic investment strategy could be the solution.
Spreker: Marcel Kruse, Director of Portfolio Solutions, Milliman
10:30 - 10:50
Building Bridges – from new Financial Assessment Framework to new Pension System
The new pension system will mean a large shift in the long-term approach to how pensions are financed by pension funds. An examination of the financial assessment frameworks planned for the future points to new legislation looming on the horizon. This will lead to shifting investment portfolios in the coming years. How can pension fund managers already take adjustments to the strategic mix into account and pre-sort for the transition to the new system?
Speaker: Martin Sanders, Head of Pension Investments, AXA Inevstment Managers
10:50 - 11:10
Coffee served in Workshop rooms
Workshop I
The shortage economy: temporary or permanent? Implications for inflation, policy and for markets
Speaker: Guillermo Felices, Principal and Investment Strategist, PGIM Fixed Income
Workshop II
How to invest towards the 'protective return'
Speaker: Guillermo Felices, Principal and Investment Strategist, PGIM Fixed Income
Speaker: Anton Wouters, Head of Solutions & Client Advisory, BNP Paribas Asset Management
12:20 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:30
Keynote Presentation
Brave new Pension World
Speaker: Else Bos, De Nederlandsche Bank
13:35 – 13:55
Pension with Vision
Where is the world of pensions headed? What role do pensions play in solving tomorrow's problems?
Speaker: Kees Ouboter, Responsible investment officer, Actiam
Breakout A
When participants become customers
The transformation challenge for the pension sector is multidimensional. Decisions about the new pension contract, ‘invaren’, impact on IT, products and processes. But what about the people actually responsible for implementing this transformation? In a more personal and individual pension system participants become customers. Is your fund or pension provider ready for this? How can you ensure a customer centric mindset in your employees and a deep knowledge of all aspects that are crucial in a DC context?
Breakout B
Speaker: Rick Goossens, Director Competence Center Pensioen, Ensur Nederland
Breakout B
Software as a Service
Modern challenges require modern solutions. Dan McLaughlin and Michael Watkins will talk about how the world has already shifted to DC, the range of reforms, challenges and the central role of technology in its success. All issues highly relevant to the Pensioenakkoord. Additionally, they'll share some of the opportunities Smart's technology platform offers, covering both accumulation and decumulation.
Speaker: Rick Goossens, Director Competence Center Pensioen, Ensur Nederland
Speakers: Dan McLaughlin, Director of International, Smart. & Michael Watkins, Director of Retirement and Member Payments, Smart.
14:30 - 14:50
Coffee served in Breakout rooms
14:50 - 15:35
Panel & refreshments
Political panel
Discussion of the legislative developments, indexation and other timely topics
With among others: Jurre de Haan (VNO-NCW), Willem Noordman (FNV), Patrick Fey (CNV),
Klaartje de Boer (VCP)
Moderators: Hamadi Zaghdoudi (Willis Towers Watson) and André de Vos (Pensioen Pro)
15:40 - 16:10
with Petra Hielkema, Chairperson, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
16:10 - 17:00
End of conference
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