Annual Conference 2024

Countdown to the future

The future of the pension sector starts on 1-1-25. That is when the first funds will move to the new pension system. The Future of Pensions Act will then be rolled out further. Pension schemes, administration and investment portfolio will be shaken up.

The Wtp is a first step. The Hague wants to tinker with the Act now, and economic, geopolitical, technological and demographic developments call for even more changes, in the short and long term. With consequences for the design of the system and the investment policy of pension funds.

June 18th 2024
Circa, Seineweg 2, Amsterdam


10:30 - 11:15
Entry & registration

Coverage protection and a careful transition

Many pension funds want certainty on the funding ratio when transferring benefits. What are the arguments for and against funding ratio protection? How do you shape it? And as a pension fund, how do you time the interest rate hedge during and after the transition? All questions will be addressed during this interactive workshop.

Speaker: Jan Willemsen, LDI Client Portfolio Manager, Columbia Threadneedle Investments

12:00 - 12:45
Lunch & Registration

André de Vos, Editor Print & Events Pensioen Pro

12:50 - 13:20
Long shall we live!
(How long shall we work?)

We are getting older and working for longer. But rarely in good health and by no means all of us. Opposite the highly educated who continue to work for longer are those with a practically-educated background who now already often do not make it to retirement. The gap between these groups is growing. Do they even still fit together in one pension system?

Speaker: Cécile Boot, Professor of Social Participation and Health, Amsterdam UMC 

13:20 - 13:40
The Dutch pension sector, in the next five years

Transition is the dominant phrase in the Dutch pension world. But there are several transitions going on, simultaneously, continuously and intersectively. All the while, the world keeps turning. Staying on course during this ‘ competition ’ is essential.

Speaker: Raymond de Kuiper, Client Solutions Manager, BNP Paribas

Intermezzo - The youth has the future, part 1

13:40 - 14:00
Illiquid investments in the WTP

Does the WTP offer more or less room for illiquid investments? That depends, among others, on the robustness of the lifecycles used. How to balance the dilemmas of illiquidity and valuation with the financial and social returns that illiquid investments can offer.

Speaker: Robin Schouten, Director of fiduciary management, Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management

Intermezzo - The youth has the future, part 2

14:00 - 14:25

15:55 - 16:20

16:20 - 16:40
Impact with real estate for society and constituents

By the end of 2023, bpfBOUW, ABP and Bouwinvest have invested €400 million in affordable housing: housing with rents between €650 and €999, prioritising crucial professional groups such as teachers, nurses and construction workers - a segment of the investing pension funds' constituencies. How does this collaboration generate impact, how is that impact measured and what lessons can other pension funds learn from this project?

Speaker: Maya Savelkoul, director Dutch impact investments, Bouwinvest

Intermezzo - The youth has the future, part 3

16:40 - 17:00
Dynamic investing in the WTP

Pension funds set an optimal investment policy for the new regime based on current assumptions. But what is optimal depends on the situation. How well is the solidarity or risk-sharing reserve filled, what is the effect of interest rates? A dynamic investment policy can add value in the new pension system.

Speaker: Gosse Alserda, Senior Investment Strategist, Aegon Asset Management

Intermezzo - The youth has the future, part 4

17:05 - 17:45
Panel Discussion
Countdown to the future

The future begins on 1-1-2025. But it does so for fewer and fewer funds. Benefit transition dates are starting to slide. The administrators have their say.

With: Wim Koeleman (APG), Mirjam Breekelmans (Achmea Pensioenservices), Paul Everloo (TKP Pensioen) and Tom Bottinga, (Blue Sky Group). 

Moderator: André de Vos, Editor print and events Pensioen Pro

Final Act
by Marc Heemskerk, Actuary and pension consultant at Mercer

Close and networking drinks

Start of evening programme

Main Sponsor

Sponsors Conference