Below is a draft programme and therefore subject to change.
Pension Reform - Tuesday 8 December
The blueprints for the new Dutch pension system have been all but finalized. Now the real work starts: how to implement the new pension agreement? Pension professionals, social partners and policy makers discuss the ins and outs.
Opening by André de Vos, Editor in Chief Print & Events Pensioen Pro
Keynote presentation
Speaker: Peter Borgdorff, Director PFZW
Speaker: Nicole Maarsen, Director Real Estate, Syntrus Achmea Real Estate & Finance
Pension Quiz
Pension Politics
Political panel: employers, employees and policy makers on the new system and the long and difficult road ahead.
With: Roald van der Linde, Member of Parliament, VVD; Gijs van Dijk, Member of Parliament, PvdA;
Steven van Weyenberg, Member of Parliament, D66; Jurre de Haan (VNO NCW); Paula Verhoef (FNV)
Moderators: Hamadi Zaghdoudi, Head of Retirement Benelux, Willis Towers Watson and André de Vos,
Editor in Chief print & events, Pensioen Pro
Transition Phase - Wednesday 9 December
Transitioning from the current system to the new pension system is a complex exercise for pension schemes and their managers. We explore the issues and discuss smart solutions.
Everything changes
Bram Stegeman examines the changes facing the industry and helps us imagine the transition from traditional pension scheme to online pension service provider.
Speaker: Bram Stegeman, Chairman, Pensioenfonds voor Huisartsen
Themed Session
Investing in the new pension system
Should schemes change their investment strategy? From ESG to fixed income: what will be the investment strategy of the future?
Speaker: Hanneke Veringa, Country Manager the Netherlands, Axa Investment Managers
The new pension system: roadmap for board members
Speaker: Josje Wijckmans, Programmaleider pensioenakkoord en Hoofd Actuariaat bij Blue Sky Group
14:55-15:10 Break
A new role for ‘Real’
The role of real assets in pension fund portfolios may well changes in unexpected and interesting ways. A surprising look ahead.
Speaker: Marleen Bosma-Verhaegh, Head of Global Research & Strategic Advisory, Bouwinvest
How to survive the transition
Many pension trustees can’t wait to be rid of the hated discount rate, but we still have five years to go, and to make matters worse, UFR regulatory rules will be tightened in coming years.
With: Edwin Velzel, CEO, PGGM, Nicole Beuken, independent chair, PME and Agnes Joseph, Actuary,
Achmea, Arno IJmker (Quint) and Jitzes Noorman (BMO).
Moderator: André de Vos, hoofdredacteur print & events Pensioen Pro
Pension Quiz
Looking Beyond the System Change - Thursday 10 December
Can we safely say that the new pension agreement renders our pension system ‘future proof’? Or is this just the first step in a longer journey? We look ahead with among others Gerard van Olphen and Dutch Pensions Minister Wouter Koolmees
Visions(s) for the future
Interview with Gerard van Olphen, chairman of the board, APG. Interviewer: André de Vos, Editor Print & Events, Pensioen Pro
Themed Session 1
The ‘S’ in ESG: Investment with Social Purpose
The responsible investment market is growing at an extremely fast pace across segments and channels. Iain Richards will highlight the particular growth in outcomes based investing and illustrate how we are providing clients the opportunity to achieve both market financial returns with demonstrable social outcomes across Europe.
Speaker: Iain Richards, Head of Responsable Investment, Columbia Threadneedle
Themed Session 2
Financial inclusion financial return included
Speaker: Romée van Wachem, Relationship Manager, Actiam
14:40-14:55 Break
Seamlessly into the future
How can pension tech and fintech developments help pension funds?
Speaker: Marcel Kruse, director pension & investment risk, Milliman
Pension Quiz
Keynote presentation
The end? Or the beginning?
We are closing the circle, ending with the opening question. Does the new pension agreement conclude the pension reform process or are we actually just getting started? What does the future hold for the Dutch pension industry?
Speaker: Wouter Koolmees, Minister of Social Affairs and Employment
Pensioen Pro Awards - Thursday 10 December - 19:00-21:00
On the night of December 10 the Pension Pro Awards ceremony will be live streamed from Dauphine in Amsterdam, featuring live entertainment, the announcement of winners in all categories and of course the winner of the public vote for ‘Pension Fund of the Year’.
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