Annual Conference 2022

The Road to DC:
Transition to a new Pension System

The legal framework of the new pension system is taking shape this year. And with an ambitious start date of January 1st 2023, pension funds are busy preparing for the transition. But many of the rules are still uncertain, and the transition is not becoming any easier. How is the sector going to get the job done?

October 4th 2022
Marriott Hotel, Stadhouderskade 12, 1054 ES Amsterdam


The IPE ESG Seminar will tackle questions surrounding the measurement and implementation of ESG across different asset classes in pension funds portfolios and management. 

Coffee & Registration

André de Vos
, Editor Print & Events Pensioen Pro

10:30 - 11:00
Aren't we saing too much for retirement?
The Netherlands has the largest pensions savings in Europe. Hoarding so much money and spending billions on asset managers is risky, expensive and unnecessary, so says Professor Dirk Bezemer of Groningen University. He argues for lower contributions and higher benefits. A bad plan, thinks Professor of Risk Management Theo Kocken. That is handing out money from young to old.

Speakers: Dirk Bezemer, Professor of Economics of Inernational Financial Development, University of Groningen and Theo Kocken, Professor of Risk Management, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

11:00 - 11:20
Presentation (English spoken)
(Pension) World in Transition
The road to dc leads through a world in transition: The Netherlands is about to change a major component of its post-retirement income delivery system against a backdrop of huge societal, economic, geo-political and climate-related changes. High-over we all understand this. But how does this impact the actual road to dc for individual pension funds?

11:20 - 11:40
Interest and Inflation in a DC World
The transition to a new pensions system is taking place while inflation is at a record high and interest rates are rising. Is this good or bad news for the transition to DC?

Workshop I

Workshop II

Topic to be confirmed

Topic to be confirmed

12:30 - 13:30

13:30 - 14:00
The Role of Social Affairs
Interview with Roger Planje, Program Director for Pensions at the Ministry of Social Affairs on the role of the Ministry now and in the transition period.

14:00 - 14:20
Going for The One
Pension funds by their very nature and governance structure are dedicated to ‘putting the participant first’. But how does this strong focus on the end-user square with a DC system shifting risks to participants? How can schemes safeguard participant interests going forward? 

Break-out A
Pension Tech

Transition to DC - 5 mistakes NOT to make

Break-out B
Investment Know-how

Transition to DC - 4 MUST DO's (and why)

Breakout Session (English spoken)
The new db to dc reform and The Prudent Revolution

Breakout Session 
Topic to be confirmed

Breakout Session (English spoken)
Transformation through technology

Breakout Session
Topic to be confirmed

15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 16:30
The regulator during the transition

Speaker: Cindy van Oorschot, Division Director Pension Fund Regulation, DNB

16:30 - 16:50
How to get from A to B (DC)?
Responsible investors like to take the long view. So how to deal with the short term demands of a pension system in flux?

16:50 - 17:25
The three B's: live!
Bas Werker, Jan Bonenkamp en Dick Boeijen have been closely involved in devising the new pensions system. What do they think of the current political discussion and the criticism that the system is becoming too complicated?

Panel: Bas Werker, Professor Finance and Econometrics, Tilburg University, Jan Bonenkamp, Expert Strategist, APG Asset Management en Dick Boeijen, Expert Pension Risk Manager, PGGM

Moderators: André de Vos, Editor Print & Events en Maarten van Wijk, Editor Online, Pensioen Pro

Close and boat trip
to the Hermitage Museum for the Awards

Main Sponsor

Sponsors Conference