Annual Conference & Awards
18 June 2024

Annual conference
The event of the year where pension professionals meet and network. The exclusive programme presents the latest trends and developments in the pensions sector.

In 2024, for the eleventh time, the annual professional awards will be presented to excelers, thought leaders and pioneers in the pension sector. The pensions industry faces challenges. Targeted knowledge sharing and the innovative capacity of the sector have never been more important. And that is exactly what the Pensioen Pro Awards stand for. 
Needless to say, it is of the utmost importance that the assessment of the entries is completely objective. All entries are carefully screened by our awards editors and forwarded to the independent expert jury without third-party involvement. Award sponsors therefore have no influence whatsoever on the judging process.
With these professional awards, innovations and best practices are highlighted, parties in the pension field inspire each other and knowledge sharing is stimulated. In an independent, objective manner. And that is what it is all about.

Date and location: 
18th of June 2024, Circa, Amsterdam 

Conference theme:
Future in transition
The transition to the new system in the Future of Pensions Act is a huge undertaking that the industry has yet to see through. At the same time, it is becoming clear that this does not mean our pension system is 'finished': the future is still in transition. What changes can we look forward to - and when?

With topics such as: 


  • The latest insights on thorny questions such as 'How much goes into the solidarity reserve, what distribution rules will we apply, collective or individual benefit phase in the new premium schemes, how will we share risks, how do we cash in? And how do we communicate this clearly and unambiguously?'
  • Transition supervision: Transition ftk: what is possible, and what is not? How will the regulator supervise and assess the transition?
  • The leading group: first experiences.
  • Transition committee: Roos Vermeij, chair of transition committee, on the dilemmas drafting a transition plan.


  • Age-dependent investment policy in practice.
  • Investing for a real pension: will the Netherlands get out of the split in the new system?
  • Investing during the transition: considerations.
  • Private asset classes in the new system.

The future:

  • Will there still be a structural solution for the heavy professions?
  • Pension compulsory, or free choice? Future of compulsory pensions.
  • More pay-as-you-go, less funded: the pension of the future?
Event setup:

Morning Programme:
11:15 - 12:00
Workshop on topical issues that invite discussion and interaction.

Main Programme:

12:00 Lunch
13:00 Opening
13:05 Keynote
13:35 Sponsor Presentation
13:55 Sponsor Presentation
14:15 Transit
14:30 Breakout Programme
15:30 Break
15:55 Keynote
16:25 Sponsor Presentation
16:45 Sponsor Presentation
17:05 Panel
17:50 Network drinks


19:00 - 23:00 Awards ceremony & diner


The event of the year where pension professionals meet and network. The exclusive programme presents the latest trends and developments in the pensions sector.






Interactive session (± 45 min) during the morning programme prior to the plenary session. Exclusively for buy-side delegates and pension administrators. This workshop takes place  before lunch break and includes 3 passes (speaker + 2) for day conference. 



Presentation (± 20 min) during plenary session. Includes 2 passes (speaker + 1) for day conference. 

Breakout Session


Presentation (± 30 min) in parallel breakout stream during afternoon programme. Moderated by a Pensioen Pro editor. Conference attendees register in advance which sessions they want to attend. Includes 2 passes (speaker + 1) for plenary session. 

Break, Lunch, Drinks


Bannering and branding during lunch, breaks and networking drinks. Brief (5 minute) speech opening networking drinks optional. 

Please note: Sponsor to deliver own branding material!


Each of the sponsorship packages listed above includes the following branding: 
Before event:

  • Sponsors will receive an registration list with contact information of attendees who have agreed to share their details.
  • Logo on the event website. 
  • Your speaker with photo and short bio on the event website. 
  • Your logo on all event marketing, including a 'save the date' announcement, invitations, and conference programme mailings to our entire email database. 
  • Your logo on the 'Who's who'/registration page on the event website where participants who have agreed to share their data are available. 

During event:

  • Your logo visible on a side screen on the stage during your presentation. 
  • Your logo with the text 'made possible by' remains visible at the bottom of the screen during the live stream of your session (if applicable).
  • Optional (un)manned stand for your brochures/sampling.
  • NB: Sponsor provides own branding material! Production cost of material not included in package.

After event:

  • Sponsors will receive an attendee list with contact information of those attendees who have agreed to share their details.
  • Optional your logo on the presentation slides that will be sent afterwards to all registered participants.


In 2024, for the eleventh time, the annual professional awards will be presented to excelers, thought leaders and pioneers in the pension sector. The pensions industry faces challenges. Targeted knowledge sharing and the innovative capacity of the sector have never been more important. And that is exactly what the Pensioen Pro Awards stand for. 
Needless to say, it is of the utmost importance that the assessment of the entries is completely objective. All entries are carefully screened by our awards editors and forwarded to the independent expert jury without third-party involvement. Award sponsors therefore have no influence whatsoever on the judging process.
With these professional awards, innovations and best practices are highlighted, parties in the pension field inspire each other and knowledge sharing is stimulated. In an independent, objective manner. And that is what it is all about.


Gold Awards:

  • Pension Fund of the Year (Audience Award)
  • Exceptional contribution to the industry (you cannot nominate for this)

Silver Awards:

  • Best Pension Fund > €15mrd
  • Best pension fund < €15mrd

Theme Awards:

  • Responsible Investment/ESG
  • Innovation
  • Communication
  • Asset Management
  • Diversity, Inclusion & Governance
  • Long-term investor of the year


You can attend the Awards ceremony by sponsoring an award or a sponsor table.


What does the evening look like?
A full evening programme starting at 19:00 and lasting until 23:00.

You will host a sponsored table of 8-10 people. The complement of table guests is flexible, with you inviting your guests. In consultation, Pension Pro can facilitate you in inviting them.

During the three-course dinner, awards will be presented between courses.

Award Package



Golden Sponsor

2 Gold Award categories:

  • Exceptional contribution to the sector
  • Best Dutch pension fund of the year


  • You can act as sponsor of a branded table (8-10 people) during the dinner and awards ceremony. The format of the table guests is flexible, with you inviting your guests. In consultation, Pensioen Pro can facilitate you in inviting. 
  • All award sponsors will receive an attendee list before and after the event with contact information of those attendees who have agreed to share their details.
  • Your logo on the programme & menu handed over to all guests and in a logo run during dinner. 
  • Mention of your company as a sponsor in radio commercials in the run-up to the event. 
  • Large logo on the congratulations page for the winners in Het Financieele Dagblad. 
  • 2 extra tickets to the congress.  
  • Your logo on the trophy.  
  • The Gold Award sponsor is briefly interviewed on stage. 
  • Your motivation why you sponsor a specific Award on the event website. 
  • Logo on the event website. 
  • Your logo on all event marketing including 'save the date' announcement, invitations and programme mailings to our entire email database. 
  • 2/1 pages in Thought Leadership booklet. These pages will be published in next edition of Pensioen Pro magazine and Jury Report after the Annual Conference. 

Silver Sponsor

2 Silver Award categories:

  • Pension fund >€15mrd
  • Pension fund <€15mrd


  • You can act as sponsor of a branded table (8-10 people) during the dinner and awards ceremony. The format of the table guests is flexible, with you inviting your guests. In consultation, Pension Pro can facilitate you in inviting. 
  • All award sponsors will receive an attendee list before and after the event with contact information of those attendees who have agreed to share their details.
  • Your logo on the programme & menu handed out to all guests and in a logo run during dinner. 
  • Your logo on the congratulations page for the winners in Het Financieele Dagblad. 
  • Your logo on the trophy. 
  • Our presenter will briefly interview the silver Award sponsor(s) together on stage. 
  • Your motivation why you sponsor a specific Award on the event website. 
  • 2/1 pages in Thought Leadership booklet. These pages will be published in next edition of Pension Pro magazine and Jury Report after the Annual Conference. 

Themed Award

6 theme Award categories:

  • Responsible Investment/ESG
  • Innovation
  • Communication
  • Asset management 
  • Long-term investor of the year
  • Diversity, Inclusion & Governance


  • You can act as sponsor of a branded table (8-10 people) during the dinner and awards ceremony. The format of the table guests is flexible, with you inviting your guests. In consultation, Pension Pro can facilitate you in inviting. 
  • All award sponsors will receive an attendee list before and after the event with contact information of those attendees who have agreed to share their details.
  • Your logo on the programme & menu handed out to all guests and in a logo run during dinner. 
  • Your logo on the congratulations page for the winners in Het Financieele Dagblad. 
  • Our presenter will briefly interview the sponsors of all themed Awards together on stage. 
  • Your motivation why you sponsor a specific Award on the event website. 
  • Including 1/1 page in Thought Leadship booklet. This page will be published in next edition of Pension Pro magazine and Jury Report after the Annual Conference.

Sponsored table

All table sponsors will receive in advance and afterwards a participant list with contact information of the participants who have agreed to share their details.




Sponsored Table


  • You can act as sponsor of a branded table for your guests (8-10 people) during the dinner and awards ceremony.
  • All table sponsors will receive an attendee list in advance and afterwards with contact information of those attendees who have agreed to share their details. 
  • Your logo on the programme & menu handed over to all guests and in a logo run during dinner. 
  • Logo on the event website. 
  • Your logo on all event marketing including 'save the date' announcement, invitations and programme mailings to our entire email database.  

Last year's event

Please find 2023 breakdown below:
  • 59% of attendees were asset owners, including pension funds, insurers etc.
  • 23% of attendees were 'other', including academics, regulatory and media
  • 14% of attendees were sponsors, including supply side such as asset managers and banks
  • 4% of attendees were consultants